
Evolución Biológica

En la clase de Biología estamos estudiando las distintas evidencias de la evolución, en este caso estudiamos al ADN. A partir de lo que leímos teníamos que escribir un texto en el que las palabras: Población - Genes - Evolución - Proteínas y ADN, tienen que estar conectadas.

Cada individuo tiene archivados 42 cromosomas en cada una de los millones de células que se encuentran dentro de estos. Los cromosomas son elementos que constituyen al ADN de una célula, que contiene la información genética personal de cada individuo. El ADN es un largo polímero formado por unidades repetitivas, los nucleótidos. La secuencia de nucleótidos en un gen codifica la secuencia de los aminoácidos en una proteína. En un sitio determinado de un gen, miembros diferentes de una especie puede tener secuencias de nucleótidos ligeramente diferentes, llamados alelos. Un individuo puede tener alélelos de un gen que sean iguales, a los que se le llama homocigotas. Y un individuo con distintos alelos de ese tipo de gen, se les llama heterocigotas.  Viéndolo de esta forma, se ha comprobado que el estudio de la evolución es una herramienta altamente eficaz. Los biólogos evolucionistas utilizan estas herramientas de una rama de genética llamada genética de poblaciones, que estudia la frecuencia, distribución y herencia de los alelos en las poblaciones. 

Estructura de un ADN

El Viaje del Beagle


Informal Email

Hi Tom,

How are you doing? Thanks for counting on me. I can help you, but I must warn you that everyone has their way to study. What I’m trying to say is that this tips may or may not help you, I’ll try my best for them to do. This are some things that I take into account while studying for an exam. 

The first thing that I do is re-reading many times what I have to study, I prefer to understand the subject so as to be able to talk about it with my own words than studying it by heart and not understanding what I’m talking about. Once I read it, and I feel like I understand it, I write a summary with my own words. 

 Another thing that you might want to take into account, is to start studying a week before the exam, since it gives you time to revise. There is this thing I do were I write down some questions at the start of the week, related to the topic I have to study, and at the end of the week I answer them. Usually, the book has some activities if you don’t want to go through the trouble of writing them. 

Those are the things I do when studying for an exam. You can tell me what you have to study, maybe I can help with that too. Good luck with your exams, tell me how you did once you are done with them. 

 See you around campus!!


Fomalhaut 2115

En la clase de Literatura leímos breves relatos centrados todos en un mismo tema, un viaje en el espacio. Estudiamos las formas de crear y presentar un personaje con la Descripción de un Personaje según Lodge y El Nivel y Modalidad de la Focalización, después analizamos los relatos con estas reglas. En base a lo que aprendimos escribimos una historia siguiendo la misma temática que en los relatos, aplicando lo que estudiamos en nuestro relato.

Fue interesante imaginar la vida en el futuro, pensar como la sociedad funcionaria y lo que pensarían. Al principio pensaba hacer que la historia fuese relatada por un detective que seguía el caso de John, pero al detective le faltaba personalidad porque me enfoque mas en la historia de John que en la de el. Entonces decidí empezar devuelta enfocando me mas en poner un protagonista con mas personalidad. Intente no describirla físicamente, dejando al lector que se imagine como ella seria. Era, fue un personaje que se me ocurrió mientras que escribía. Necesitaba que Dolores tuviera una conversación con alguien para que el lector sepa que tipo de persona es. Utilize como referencia los métodos de Lodge para ayudarme y guiarme.

El relato esta en Tercera persona con un nivel de focalización externa fija, siempre esta desde el punto de vista de Dolores. El espacio es limitado, no sabemos lo que ocurre en otro lado, solo lo que ocurre en el lugar donde esta dolores. Es sincrónica, el relato se cuenta a medida que van ocurriendo los hechos. El personaje principal tiene una emoción subjetiva y sabe lo mismo que el lector.


The Growth of the USA´s Economy in the 1920s

During the 1920s, the USA had a massive economic boom. With the growth of confidence from people, the vast amount of jobs that were created, with industries growing and the USA becoming leader on the market, those years were most definitely some of the best in American History.  But the question is, were credit and hire purchase the reasons why the US economy grew?

Before the 1920s, people couldn’t afford to buy a car, however, this was going to change. Buying a car was really expensive since they took a long time to make, in a year they would reach to make thousands of them. Henry Ford took over the motor industry by creating a method of making cars faster, in a year they would reach to make millions of them. People could afford to buy them and even if they couldn’t they could borrow the money by taking advantage of the hire purchase schemes, which provided a ton of help. Along these industries a vast amount of jobs were created so people had a major possibility to get one.

 The stock market in the US was an easy way to make money, anyone could buy shares, see their prices grow and sell them later at a higher price. Most of the people who invested on this kind of gambling were the Speculators. They didn’t intend to keep their shares for too long, they sold them as quick as the prices grew. They could buy “margins” which meant they only had to put 10 percent of the cash needed to buy shares and they could borrow the rest. Buying shares became a popular thing to do, since it was a quick and easy way to become rich. As products were massively produced their prices remained low. Confidence was high and banks started give loans to people

Credit and Hire purchase schemes weren’t the only reasons why the economy in the US grew. Within the Republican Policies three of them stood out, Laissez-Faire, Tariffs and Low Taxation. Prosperity came into place with Laissez-Faire, the government was going to interfere as little as possible in the everyday lives of people. Implementing Tariffs as a way to protect businesses from foreign competition and they allowed American companies to grow faster. The republicans kept Taxation as low as possible, being beneficial to both working and wealthy people.

With the arrival of new industries, they started developing a new method for mass-production. They started using the vast amount of resource of raw material that the country had. The production of these products was an enormous factor for the boom of consumer goods. Industries started to grow alongside the US economy, since it was a big country with a dense population and it also was rich in natural resources, so they didn’t need to import raw materials nor did they had the urge to export all their goods. By the time of the First World War they led in most areas of the industry. They had massive steel, coal, and textile industries. They were leaders in the oil production market and they also started developing new technology such as cars, telephones, radios and electric lightning. These products became the foundation of an enormous boom in consumer goods as they were all mass-produced. With the help of marketing, using techniques of propaganda from the war, they were able to advertise their products to the public. And, since most of the American population owned a radio or a television they started advertising them through them.

It can be said that credit and hire purchase were reasons for the economic growth of the US, however they were not the only reasons why. The technical and technological advancements in industries were very important for the country as they became market leaders on the various products they produced. In the other hand, the credits and hire purchase became one of the reasons why the economy in the USA was devastated with the Wall Street Crash.