
Arte y Art Durante el año

Esta  es una presentación que muestra todo lo que hicimos durante el año en Arte a la mañana y Art a la tarde. Incluyendo el trabajo en preparatoria para los IGCSE y una secuencia fotográfica que hicimos en las ultimas clases.

Episode Review, Game of Thrones S6 Ep9

Game of Thrones, by David Benioff and D.B Weiss, is known for being one of, if not, the best tv series to date. Given by its cinematography, script and its overall story. One episode in particular stands out from the rest, that being Season 6´s Episode 9 called “Battle of Bastards”, directed by Miguel Sapochnik, that is considered the best episode of the series and this is why. Beware of spoilers!

To start off, the episode on its own is a cinematic masterpiece. The built in atmosphere generated by the set and the tension of don´t knowing if characters that you grew to love will eventually die at the climactic, and long awaited, Battle of Bastards. Beginning with Daenerys burning  slaver ships with her majestic dragons drew the viewer's attention right from the get go. Then Jon takes the lead of the episode planning his attack against the hated Ramsay Bolton, who took hostage his brother Rickon and took control over Winterfell (The Stark´s Household).

If it weren't for the actors this episode wouldn't have been the same. Kit Harrington's portrayal as Jon and Iwan Rehon’s as Ramsay are remarkable in this episode in particular. With no words they can tell what they are thinking at every moment, as sometimes it is better to show and don't tell. Jon's anger and courage is always present, as is Ramsay’s madness and fear.

Along with great acting there is great cinematography. As we all know it is difficult to show a battle play off and make it feel believable, however, Game of Thrones managed to do so. Following Jon throughout the battle we get to see the brutality that happens within the battlefield, with people getting killed and our characters struggling to fight. All this wouldn't have been accomplished if it wasn't for the director Miguel Sapochnik, who clearly has a lot of talent.

To conclude, I haven't seen a more memorable episode than this one. It became my favorite ever since I first saw it and remains that way for those reasons. If you haven't watched Game of Thrones you are missing out and if you did I would suggest re-watching this episode to see my point.


Uplifting and Depressing Movies (Review)

These two movies are the ones that I think of when talking about both this extremely different themes, an uplifting and a depressing movie. I will talk about "Spirited Away",  by Hayao Miyazaki, as the uplifting movie, and "Your Name", by Makoto Shinkai, as the depressing one.

"Spirited Away" follows Chihiro, a ten-year-old girl that is on a trip with her parents and, unknowingly, enters into a magical world. As they venture into this strange land, she losses her parents. When she finds them she discovers that both of them have turned into pigs. Her journey begins as she tries to find a way to turn them back to normal. What I find uplifting about the film is the charm that all the characters have. It makes you care and sympathy them as they are all shown as meaningful and human-like despite most of them being "monsters". Another reason why I love this film so much is its rich and believable world that we are brought in.

"Your Name" on the other hand, is both joyful and depressing at the same time. It tells the story of Mitsuha, a high school girl living in the suburbs of Japan, which isn't satisfied with her life. She wishes to become a high-school boy in her next life. In a sudden turn of events, her wishes come true when she begins to switch bodies intermittently with Taki, a high school boy from Tokyo. It's a heartwarming which turns into a depressing one in the second act, which I don't want to spoil. The bound that the movie makes the audience share with its charismatic protagonists is unparalleled with nothing I've ever seen. Making the things that happen to them even more heartbreaking.

To conclude, both these movies are hand drawn animated, which tends to throw off some people for their cartoony style, but I would thoroughly suggest giving them a try, as you might end up loving this two films. Since even animated films can have the same impact, or even more, as a common film to make you feel delighted or sorrowful. 



En la clase de Política Y Ciudadanía comenzamos un proyecto en el que nosotros debíamos aportar ideas sobre una App para celular que nos parezca innovadora. Esta es la idea que se nos ocurrió:

Dependiendo donde estés te va a marcar una ruta donde evites zonas que son peligrosas o que tienen mala reputación por la cantidad de delitos cometidos en esa zona. El trayecto por el que te envía va a ser el más seguro. La idea es que cada persona califique la zona en la que está, sumándose con la calificación de los demás se le da un puntaje que es marcado por un color. Si la zona es verde, es muy segura, amarilla, segura, naranja, poco segura, y roja, precaución. El mapa Indica comisarías cerca y tiene un botón de emergencia para enviar tu ubicación a la policía o a alguien en particular avisando que estás en peligro. Al igual que va a tener los números de emergencia para médicos, bomberos, etc.
Navegación GPS/Seguridad

Todas las personas que se muevan solas por la calle, ya sea en auto, transporte público publico o caminando.

Generar un GPS más seguro y confiable. Que no te mande por lugares por los que uno no estaría seguro solo para llegar más rápido al destino

En la parte de arriba de la app hay un buscador donde pones el destino al que queres llegar. En la parte de abajo se encuentran tres botones, El de la izquierda es el botón de Emergencias, que llama a la policía o manda un sms a alguien en particular (elegido por el Usuario) para alertar que tienes una emergencia. El botón del medio funciona para activar o desactivar la opción de ZONA (Marcador de zonas por color). El botón a la derecha es para calificar la zona en la que te encuentras.      

Posible impacto si fuese desarrollada:
Brindaría más seguridad al salir a la calle, y tranquilidad al saber que estás más seguro.

Apps de Las que Tomamos ideas:

Usamos como referencia Google Maps, Waze y Alerta Motorola, que hoy en día son las dos apps de navegación por GPS más usadas y de emergencia. El problema que vimos en estas apps es que priorizan la rapidez del viaje por sobre la seguridad del pasajero, por lo que siempre eligen ruta más rápida no por la más segura.

Por: Azarías Bustos, Tomas Paladino y Matías Viana


How Young People See Aging


This report will show what young people think about growing old and their plans for the future. The aim will be to aid them in such subject and analyze the way they look at older people.

Current Situation
I went to a school nearby and asked some questions to senior students that are about to graduate in regards to this topic. The questions were mostly directed to their way of seeing older people and what they want to do after they graduate.

Most of them didn’t know what they are going to do, they were concerned about it. Others however had everything planned and already knew what their aim was. Nevertheless, they all showed fear at the idea of growing old and becoming adults. In regards to the way they see older people, they see them as people to look up to and as people that are always working to succeed or to reach their goal.

 I would like to give some recommendations that would help students on their fear of growing up.
  • ·         They should have a talk with a professional about what they want to do when they grow up, as there are those that can help young people to choose the career that they could follow.
  • ·         They should write about the person they look up to and analyze their biography.
  • ·         The students should investigate the career they want to follow and see if it really fits their liking

With these tips they might find a way to no longer be afraid of becoming adults. 


Evolución en la Publicidad

En la clase de Biología estamos estudiando la evolución y según lo que aprendimos tuvimos que buscar una publicidad que hable sobre la evolución de alguna forma y criticarla si el uso del termino es errónea. Esta es una publicidad de Rexona, del 2015, presentando un nuevo desodorante Antibacterial que promete eliminar las bacterias que se encuentran en las axilas.  
En la publicidad se dice que este desodorante brinda una protección superior contra las bacterias en nuestras axilas, insinuando que estas bacterias se han vuelto cada vez más resistentes y son mas difíciles de eliminar. Esto es debido a la selección natural, donde una población (en este caso de Bacterias) es expuesta a algo que es dañino para ellos (Desodorante Común) pero al paso del tiempo algunos integrantes de esta población evolucionaron para ser más fuertes frente a esta amenaza. Algunas de las Bacterias que están en la axila evolucionaron, adaptándose al desodorante común y siendo mas resistentes. Aquellas bacterias que sobrevivieron tenían un alelo especifico que les permitió resistir al desodorante común. De esta manera el desodorante común ya no tiene el mismo efecto que una vez tuvo frente a esa población de bacterias. Entonces se necesita de un Desodorante más fuerte o que las elimine de otra forma que es el que se presenta en la publicidad. 


Proposal 2

The head teacher has decided to invest in up-to-date technology to help both teachers and children in the classroom.


This proposal is aimed at the improvement of technology to aid both teachers and students alike. The proposal will go through things that need to be improved to solve this problem, giving possible solutions.

The problems that we have

The software from the computers that are given are ancient and need to be updated. This needs to improve, for it slows down our work severely. However, the computers we have may not work with that kind of software. Thus we'll need newer models. The internet connection is extremely poor making things even more difficult.

Things to improve

The use of technology should be more involved in every subject. The teachers should all have to take a course on technology and how to implement it in their classes.

Possible Solutions
This are some of the things I think you should do:

-Buy new laptops to replace those that are outdated

-Buy a new WiFi router so that its ratio is bigger and reaches everyone

Test 3

Hi Sam

Long time no see. How are you doing ? It's been a while since we last talked, we should arrange something later. In regards to your question, my neighborhood back in the day was way different from what it is now. I know that people change by time but not that they changed this much. You see, in the past all our neighbors would talk to each other and their relationships were more closer than how they are now. I believe that this was mainly due to the amount if robberies that happened throughout that changed everyone, distrust leaded to alienation and from one day to another we all began to fade from the others sight. I used to play in the street along the other kids in the block and now, as insecurity grew, I don't see any kid playing like we used to. Times have gone by and the bound that we once shared is no longer there, I think it changed for the worse. Anyway, we should talk more often. I've been having some trouble practicing for an exam I'm having next week, can you please help me out?  

Let's keep in touch. 


Test 2

Is it better to shop in small local shops or big supermarkets ?

Goods available 

When going to buy things for our house we often ask ourselves where do we go, to a supermarket or a small shop. Thought the question remains, which of the two is better ? Well, the answer will most definitely vary. The main reasons that people tend to state are the following: it depends on the Goods availabe, the prices and the location. We'll see which of the two is better in this aspects. 

Little shops tend to have a small variety of goods. However, some may argue that despite not having as many products they have the best products, quality over quantity. Supermarkets though, have both quantity and quality. In comparison, smaller shops you may find the product you were looking for but maybe not from the distributer you want. 

It comes to no surprise that Supermarkets have the upper hand in quantity against little shops, but that also brings a higher cost. They have to get back the money they spent paying to those distributors. As little shops don't have to worry about that as much as the big supermarkets do.

For many their opinion depends on where it is set. Small shops tend to be at every neighborhood, while supermarkets tend to be in a place in particular.  People tend to always find an easy route to what they need, that's why they tend to go more often to small shops that are nearby than going to supermarkets that take more time to get to, unless you are nearby.

So, which is better? It mainly depend on personal preference, but to me the one who's better must be smaller shops. I tend to go buy on them because they are nearby, the prices are accessible and ,as it is nearby, there's no need to buy a lot of things. 

Test 2 Review

Sherlock review 

Sherlock is a TV series written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatis, based on the popular detective novels by Arthur Conan Doyle, brings the popular English detective Sherlock Holmes to present time. With the amazing portrayal of Benedict Cumberbatch the character is given life and a sense of humor that's barely seen  in other tv series or movies.

Sherlock Holmes, along with Dr. Watson, solve murder cases in the city of London. Each episode has a different case with its own unique mystery and solution. The way that the world is presented feels believable, as they don't have trouble with implementing the modern touch of the 21th century to stories that took place in the Victorian era. 

Though the show's main theme is detective drama it doesn't stop it from having fun with its plot and its character. It's cleverly Implemented into the story and it works perfectly. It doesn't feel forced or as a way to keep the audielnce entertained, it feels as if it was meant to be in such a way. Even though the show follows, what some may consider, dark subjects they placed the comedy in a way that doesn't feel out of place. 

Overall, the comedy in this show took me by surprise, as I expected a serious drama. And in many ways I feel that it's placement improved Sherlock drastically making it one of my favorites thus far. It's a outstanding series with great plot, astonishing acting and clever direction, I truly recommend watching it as it is an original idea that must praised in a time were these lack.  


Más Allá

David Bowie - Space Oddity

2001, Space Odyssey

Año de realización: 1968
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Compania Productora: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Actores: Keir Dullea (David Bowman), Gary Lockwood (Frank Poole),  Douglas Rain (HAL 9000) y William Sylvester (Heywood R. Floyd)

La película relata distintos sucesos de la historia de la humanidad. La evolución humana, el avance de la inteligencia artificial y de la tecnología. Su trama central, se centra en un equipo de astronautas que trata de seguir unas señales emitidas por un extraño monolito hallado en la Luna y que parece ser obra de una civilización extraterrestre.

¿Que idea del viaje transmite el video?
Transmite lo extraño que puede ser el espacio, lo difícil que es comprender lo que ocurre en el y lo peligroso que puede llegar a ser. Hay dos viajes. El primer viaje es científico, se encuentra señales de un monolito en la luna de Jupìter y un grupo de científicos viajan hacia allí para analizarlo. El segundo es un viaje de exploración. Un grupo de científicos, distinto, en el que van a explorar Júpiter. Ambos viajes transmiten el miedo a lo desconocido y a lo que nosotros vemos como una anormalidad.
Los viajes que se realizan son de mucha importancia, haciendo que el comportamiento de los integrantes sea serio. Hay tensión en la tripulación en el segundo viaje, con HAL 9000 desarrollando emociones que hacen que el actúe por su cuenta. Él se pone en contra de los pasajeros.  Se puede ver que Kubrick quiere demostrar que fuera, en el espacio, pueden ocurren cosas a las que no se le puede dar una simple explicación y que el universo es mucho más grande que nosotros.

HAL 9000

El segundo viaje, en el 2001, la tension es mas clara. Con Bowman y Poole siendo los únicos despiertos en la nave, sospechando las intenciones de HAL. Poole termina siendo asesinado por HAL cuando intenta desactivarlo. Bowman no se entera de lo ocurrido, pero al igual que Poole intenta desactivar a HAL y sale victorioso. Ahí es cuando un video de lo ocurrido en la expedición a la luna de 1999. En este, el aprende la verdadera misión que era investigar la señal emitida por el monolito en las lunas de Júpiter  

Bowman encuentra el monolito y al acercarse a él, el monolito que parecía sólido toma el aspecto de una puerta rectangular oscura. David al entrar en él y da comienzo a un viaje muy extraño y fascinante donde el transcurso del tiempo espacio es alterado y nosotros como espectadores nos toca especular. El final de la película es muy confuso y complicado de entender a simple vista y aún más de explicar, de este modo cada uno tiene su opinión de lo que ocurre cuando se está por cerrar el telón.

Ultimas imágenes de la película 

¿Que tienen en parecido los dos videos?

La película contrasta mucho con la visión del espacio que se muestra en el vídeo musical de David Bowie, pero estéticamente son muy parecidos y el vídeo es claramente una referencia a la película en cuestión. Con el nombre de la canción siendo “Space Oddity” es muy clara la referencia ya que el nombre original de la película (y libro) es “Space Odissey”. El interior de las naves espaciales es blanco, ambos dando una sensación de limpieza y nuevo. Además, ambos terminan con la intención de que el espectador teorice con el final.



This proposal is in regards to the improvements to the workplace communication. This proposal will go through what I think needs to be improved and it will conclude by giving possible solutions to such problems. I speak on behalf of my partners. 

Current Situation 
Many of the staff members are getting stressed out because of the lack of information they receive from their superiors' emails, describing it as vague and unprofessionally. As they are not given the same information, they all find themselves with some knowing more things than the others or the other way around. This became a problem as the context of what they were intended to do became quite confusing. 

Key things to improve 
Instead of writing down an email for one of the staff members in specific all must be able to read such email, for their partners can remind or help them. If the need to talk to someone privately arrises, a private meeting should be arranged. If we are currently not on our labour hours and an email directed to everyone was sent, a private message to the individual's cell phone should be sent, so as to notify him. 

I would suggest doing the following:
A training course on how to write an email properly should be implemented, for all employees including superiors.

Everyone must to be notified about what the others are doing, preventing them to forget their task or aid them if they are having trouble. 

If someone's apsent they should be contacted directly.


Evolución Biológica

En la clase de Biología estamos estudiando las distintas evidencias de la evolución, en este caso estudiamos al ADN. A partir de lo que leímos teníamos que escribir un texto en el que las palabras: Población - Genes - Evolución - Proteínas y ADN, tienen que estar conectadas.

Cada individuo tiene archivados 42 cromosomas en cada una de los millones de células que se encuentran dentro de estos. Los cromosomas son elementos que constituyen al ADN de una célula, que contiene la información genética personal de cada individuo. El ADN es un largo polímero formado por unidades repetitivas, los nucleótidos. La secuencia de nucleótidos en un gen codifica la secuencia de los aminoácidos en una proteína. En un sitio determinado de un gen, miembros diferentes de una especie puede tener secuencias de nucleótidos ligeramente diferentes, llamados alelos. Un individuo puede tener alélelos de un gen que sean iguales, a los que se le llama homocigotas. Y un individuo con distintos alelos de ese tipo de gen, se les llama heterocigotas.  Viéndolo de esta forma, se ha comprobado que el estudio de la evolución es una herramienta altamente eficaz. Los biólogos evolucionistas utilizan estas herramientas de una rama de genética llamada genética de poblaciones, que estudia la frecuencia, distribución y herencia de los alelos en las poblaciones. 

Estructura de un ADN

El Viaje del Beagle


Informal Email

Hi Tom,

How are you doing? Thanks for counting on me. I can help you, but I must warn you that everyone has their way to study. What I’m trying to say is that this tips may or may not help you, I’ll try my best for them to do. This are some things that I take into account while studying for an exam. 

The first thing that I do is re-reading many times what I have to study, I prefer to understand the subject so as to be able to talk about it with my own words than studying it by heart and not understanding what I’m talking about. Once I read it, and I feel like I understand it, I write a summary with my own words. 

 Another thing that you might want to take into account, is to start studying a week before the exam, since it gives you time to revise. There is this thing I do were I write down some questions at the start of the week, related to the topic I have to study, and at the end of the week I answer them. Usually, the book has some activities if you don’t want to go through the trouble of writing them. 

Those are the things I do when studying for an exam. You can tell me what you have to study, maybe I can help with that too. Good luck with your exams, tell me how you did once you are done with them. 

 See you around campus!!


Fomalhaut 2115

En la clase de Literatura leímos breves relatos centrados todos en un mismo tema, un viaje en el espacio. Estudiamos las formas de crear y presentar un personaje con la Descripción de un Personaje según Lodge y El Nivel y Modalidad de la Focalización, después analizamos los relatos con estas reglas. En base a lo que aprendimos escribimos una historia siguiendo la misma temática que en los relatos, aplicando lo que estudiamos en nuestro relato.

Fue interesante imaginar la vida en el futuro, pensar como la sociedad funcionaria y lo que pensarían. Al principio pensaba hacer que la historia fuese relatada por un detective que seguía el caso de John, pero al detective le faltaba personalidad porque me enfoque mas en la historia de John que en la de el. Entonces decidí empezar devuelta enfocando me mas en poner un protagonista con mas personalidad. Intente no describirla físicamente, dejando al lector que se imagine como ella seria. Era, fue un personaje que se me ocurrió mientras que escribía. Necesitaba que Dolores tuviera una conversación con alguien para que el lector sepa que tipo de persona es. Utilize como referencia los métodos de Lodge para ayudarme y guiarme.

El relato esta en Tercera persona con un nivel de focalización externa fija, siempre esta desde el punto de vista de Dolores. El espacio es limitado, no sabemos lo que ocurre en otro lado, solo lo que ocurre en el lugar donde esta dolores. Es sincrónica, el relato se cuenta a medida que van ocurriendo los hechos. El personaje principal tiene una emoción subjetiva y sabe lo mismo que el lector.


The Growth of the USA´s Economy in the 1920s

During the 1920s, the USA had a massive economic boom. With the growth of confidence from people, the vast amount of jobs that were created, with industries growing and the USA becoming leader on the market, those years were most definitely some of the best in American History.  But the question is, were credit and hire purchase the reasons why the US economy grew?

Before the 1920s, people couldn’t afford to buy a car, however, this was going to change. Buying a car was really expensive since they took a long time to make, in a year they would reach to make thousands of them. Henry Ford took over the motor industry by creating a method of making cars faster, in a year they would reach to make millions of them. People could afford to buy them and even if they couldn’t they could borrow the money by taking advantage of the hire purchase schemes, which provided a ton of help. Along these industries a vast amount of jobs were created so people had a major possibility to get one.

 The stock market in the US was an easy way to make money, anyone could buy shares, see their prices grow and sell them later at a higher price. Most of the people who invested on this kind of gambling were the Speculators. They didn’t intend to keep their shares for too long, they sold them as quick as the prices grew. They could buy “margins” which meant they only had to put 10 percent of the cash needed to buy shares and they could borrow the rest. Buying shares became a popular thing to do, since it was a quick and easy way to become rich. As products were massively produced their prices remained low. Confidence was high and banks started give loans to people

Credit and Hire purchase schemes weren’t the only reasons why the economy in the US grew. Within the Republican Policies three of them stood out, Laissez-Faire, Tariffs and Low Taxation. Prosperity came into place with Laissez-Faire, the government was going to interfere as little as possible in the everyday lives of people. Implementing Tariffs as a way to protect businesses from foreign competition and they allowed American companies to grow faster. The republicans kept Taxation as low as possible, being beneficial to both working and wealthy people.

With the arrival of new industries, they started developing a new method for mass-production. They started using the vast amount of resource of raw material that the country had. The production of these products was an enormous factor for the boom of consumer goods. Industries started to grow alongside the US economy, since it was a big country with a dense population and it also was rich in natural resources, so they didn’t need to import raw materials nor did they had the urge to export all their goods. By the time of the First World War they led in most areas of the industry. They had massive steel, coal, and textile industries. They were leaders in the oil production market and they also started developing new technology such as cars, telephones, radios and electric lightning. These products became the foundation of an enormous boom in consumer goods as they were all mass-produced. With the help of marketing, using techniques of propaganda from the war, they were able to advertise their products to the public. And, since most of the American population owned a radio or a television they started advertising them through them.

It can be said that credit and hire purchase were reasons for the economic growth of the US, however they were not the only reasons why. The technical and technological advancements in industries were very important for the country as they became market leaders on the various products they produced. In the other hand, the credits and hire purchase became one of the reasons why the economy in the USA was devastated with the Wall Street Crash.


Daily Health

Anyone nowadays can tell that there is a sever amount of people with health problems. We live in a society where junk food is presented to us constantly, focusing on getting people's attentions such as using catch phrases such as "I'm Loving it", McDonald's, or by presenting a pretty picture of the food. This are some ways that can help you stay healthy and prevent having any problems with your health.

Doing sports is a major and a very important task that we all must do to stay in shape. Planning a specific diet with a professional can help you improve your physical stability. Regardless, some may find the idea of doing sports to be boring or that they would rather spend their time on doing something else. In such cases you will have to make a sacrifice and do some exercises on your own.

Eating vegetables and eating different kinds of food instead of sticking with one the entire week is something that people don't realize that they do but do. Vegetables and meat give you nutrients that are really important for you, since they provide energy to your body. Though for some there is an issue. They don't have time or the place in which to have a decent meal midday. Regardless, you can bring a lunch box with you instead.

To conclude, health is something extremely important in our everyday lives that without taking care of would damage us severely. Which is why we need to be concerned about our health every day.

Public Transport and How it Could Work Better

Why would people invest on cars when they have public transport? The truth is that public transport is not well presented to the public. This is an issue that can be seen in various countries, mainly in cities with a high number of population. This problem is caused by the lack of attention that the government and we provide to it. This are some solutions that may help the use of public transport.

People need more than one way to go around the city. Such as a metro that surrounds the entire city, this idea has been implemented in London and everyone around there uses them. It is extremely easy to go from one point to another in a matter of minutes. Though we have to take into account the amount of money and time the government has to invest on such a big project, either way, the end product will most definitely be a success.

Another solution is to educate people by introducing them in a simple way how to use public transport. Developing easy-to-understand guides and placing them around the city. For example, putting maps that show the layout of the city every two blocks would help them orientate themselves over the city. Some would argue that they should focus on developing on bus stops or other public services instead of laying “useless” things for people to see. However, wouldn’t it be easier for new comers to be shown a detailed map that they can get used to?

People will get used to going around the city but that depends mostly on the government and how much they plan to invest. If these solutions would be introduced and presented in the correct way, people are going to use public transport more often.