
Test 2

Is it better to shop in small local shops or big supermarkets ?

Goods available 

When going to buy things for our house we often ask ourselves where do we go, to a supermarket or a small shop. Thought the question remains, which of the two is better ? Well, the answer will most definitely vary. The main reasons that people tend to state are the following: it depends on the Goods availabe, the prices and the location. We'll see which of the two is better in this aspects. 

Little shops tend to have a small variety of goods. However, some may argue that despite not having as many products they have the best products, quality over quantity. Supermarkets though, have both quantity and quality. In comparison, smaller shops you may find the product you were looking for but maybe not from the distributer you want. 

It comes to no surprise that Supermarkets have the upper hand in quantity against little shops, but that also brings a higher cost. They have to get back the money they spent paying to those distributors. As little shops don't have to worry about that as much as the big supermarkets do.

For many their opinion depends on where it is set. Small shops tend to be at every neighborhood, while supermarkets tend to be in a place in particular.  People tend to always find an easy route to what they need, that's why they tend to go more often to small shops that are nearby than going to supermarkets that take more time to get to, unless you are nearby.

So, which is better? It mainly depend on personal preference, but to me the one who's better must be smaller shops. I tend to go buy on them because they are nearby, the prices are accessible and ,as it is nearby, there's no need to buy a lot of things. 

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